<< the past//... . ._ _ _ ______________ _ _ _. . ...hear the chimes >>





23.05.20 + 22:24

First week at ACC

Today we started cleaning out the office shared in the same building as KLEF-FM. Also discovered the chorus rehearsal space is in the Lutheran church across the street. Small town. Small world. I didn't log many hours this week but I did attend the monthly board meeting this week. It was interesting seeing things in action. Used Gallery View on Zoom which was immensely less stressful than having the speaker be the prominent window. The board operated informally but not without protocol as some of the more senior board members exhibited their steadfast adherence best practices.

Some issues that came up were what to do next in getting the chorus going during the pandemic. Grant expressed concern about keeping staff positions during this time. I was just hired : / I am biding my time a little in these first couple of weeks as while I want to hit the ground running, I also don't want to be spinning my wheels, overextending myself early or being that overexhuberant naive new person full of do-goodery and directionless energy. I know that my talents will recognize an opening when the time comes and be put to good use.

I can't help but feel somehow celestially drawn to this position in an odd way that keeps nagging at the back of my mind. I am not one for believing in fate or destiny too much but I do feel like I have been answering destiny's call.

All in all, my first full week amounted to some minor research at chorus software. I need to take a more in depth look. A board meeting and cleaning out the office which required me to help reorganize some things and perhaps offer some advice on other items. I didn't want to muddle the pot too much with the moving but I couldn't escape this feeling like I was not taking the reigns as much as they might have liked. Small steps and patience.