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01.06.20 + 17:51

week 3 @ ACC

Week 2 was spent primarily focusing on getting ACC moved out of their physical office space at Laser Printing building shared with KLEF FM. Nan lead the charge but was busy with her hospital work so it was a little touch and go at times. But in the end board members stepped up and pitched in to clean things out. I felt conflicted like I needed to step in more and help direct / mitigate issues but I also feared overstepping as the new person and meddling things. In the end my anxiety just built over the week until on Saturday I went down unannounced and cleaned things out and moved it to the storage space myself. Everyone was appreciative but I couldn't help but feel like I could have helped out more somehow or missed out on connecting with people. Its difficult navigating in person contact right now during the pandemic as on one hand you want to be enthusiastic and support people but on the other hand you don't want to expose yourself or put people at risk. Often times I resign myself to just staying indoors and playing video games or other media to pass the time until the need for me arises. Not wanting to be the overzealous new person stirring the pot and spinning wheels unnecessarily.

Today, Monday, June 1st, I met on Zoom with Allison, Nan and Megan to discuss progress and next step issues. I am happy to continue meeting regularly on Mondays just to get some direction at this early stage. But we will see pending Megan's follow-up emails in the coming days. I have another meeting with Allison on Wednesday to discuss a survey that was done before I began to gauge the needs of the chorus and the vision for its future. I am eager to learn the outcomes of those results. Very thankful that they are going through a professional redevelopment process while I am coming on board. It really helps as a catalyst for some positive change. I think I can help that change. And I do want to. Its just difficult not to get discouraged by life in general and the pace of things these days. Just trying to be patient and hopeful.